Acupuncturists view each person as a dynamic and holistic being. Every atom, cell, tissue and organ is interrelated and interconnected, functioning as an integrated whole. Acupuncture helps...
Pregnancy Support

Although it is a natural process, each pregnancy is very unique with a multitude of physical, hormonal, chemical and emotional changes. A mother’s body undergoes enormous changes during the process. These changes may result in headaches, back pain, neck pain, sciatica, digestive discomforts, nausea or emotional distress.
Our program is very safe for both mother and baby. A detailed case history is taken prior to treatment. The goal during pregnancy is to support the whole body, enabling it to accommodate to the changes taking place. Homeopathic Medicine and Acupuncture are beneficial before, during and after pregnancy.
- Preparing for pregnancy
- Easing the physical discomforts during pregnancy
- Helping with the emotional component of pregnancy
- Preparing your body for the demands of labour
- Reducing the risk of complications
- Helping to recover from both the pregnancy and delivery
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We Have Solutions
You are unique and we recognize your health and wellbeing requires and individual approach. From assessment and lab testing to personalized Health and Wellness Action Plans, our goal is to resolve your health concerns and improve the quality of your life. Are you looking for answers? We have solutions.
Book your free 15 minute consultation today.